Being Arrogant or Self-Obsessed Is Okay
Do you really think I am arrogant or self-obsessed? If you do then it is completely alright and Thank you. And yes I am telling you a short story about it. There was a young boy and he was standing against a wall. He wrote on the wall "I am great." People were passing by and they were looking at him and snickering because that is kind of arrogant to say yourself "I am great." I don't know who are these people who say that. LOL! So, this little young boy was standing there and then suddenly thought of himself and said 'My brother is doing a wonderful job in corporate sector and earning millions of dollars. My sister is going to be much more educated or whatever.' Then he started feeling that his achievements were even less. So he looked at the wall behind him and said that I would like to make it stronger. Then he added "I am the greatest." So, all the people who actually feel really small about themselves, the ordinariness that...