Depression & Young Generation | Sharing Experience
I've had a tremendous problem with depression in my life. I didn't even want to wake up from sleep. Everyday waking up for me was a new challenge. I was also conscious of people seeing depression on my face. It was a lot of effort to show like everything was okay because it was not! I think 'To keep smiling or to keep giving positive energy to the people around me to overcompensate to show that everything was okay or that I was feeling okay' was extremely exhausting. God knows everything what I went through at that time.
I'd rather not talk about it more, because I think it's over for me now. But, the fact 'Depression' is real and it is very dangerous. It can ruin everything mentally, physically & it's more than a disease. If you didn't go through it yet, then I must tell you that you're lucky enough. Be thankful to God.
I know this generation has a problem with depression. Many of them suffer from it. And that is why I thought it will be easier for them to overcome it if they know more true stories. If I share something about this from my own experience, I think it will be helpful for them.